A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element.
"use client";import * as Tooltip from "@lora-ui/tooltip";export default function Uncontrolled() {function onOpenChange(open) {console.log(open);}return (<Tooltip.Rootplacement="right"offset={8}onOpenChange={onOpenChange}defaultOpen={false}><Tooltip.Trigger className="box-border flex items-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg border border-[#7f56d9] bg-[#7f56d9] px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-[#ffffff] outline-offset-4 hover:bg-[#6941c6] focus:outline-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:border-[#d0d5dd] disabled:bg-[#f2f4f7] disabled:text-[#667085] dark:border-[#9e77ed] dark:bg-[#7f56d9] dark:text-[#f5f5f6] dark:hover:bg-[#9e77ed] dark:disabled:border-[#333741] dark:disabled:bg-[#1f242f] dark:disabled:text-[#85888e]">Information</Tooltip.Trigger><Tooltip.ContentarrowarrowClassName="fill-[#ffffff] dark:fill-[#0c111d] drop-shadow-sm"className="rounded-lg bg-white px-3 py-2 text-lg font-semibold text-[#344054] drop-shadow-lg dark:bg-[#101828] dark:text-white">This is a tooltip</Tooltip.Content></Tooltip.Root>);}
"use client";import React from "react";import * as Tooltip from "@lora-ui/tooltip";export default function Controlled() {const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);function onOpenChange(open) {setOpen(!open);}return (<Tooltip.Rootopen={open}onOpenChange={onOpenChange}placement="bottom"offset={8}><Tooltip.Trigger className="box-border flex items-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg border border-[#7f56d9] bg-[#7f56d9] px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-[#ffffff] outline-offset-4 hover:bg-[#6941c6] dark:border-[#9e77ed] dark:bg-[#7f56d9] dark:text-[#f5f5f6] dark:hover:bg-[#9e77ed]">Information</Tooltip.Trigger><Tooltip.ContentarrowarrowClassName="fill-[#ffffff] dark:fill-[#0c111d] drop-shadow-sm"className="rounded-lg bg-white px-3 py-2 text-lg font-semibold text-[#344054] drop-shadow-lg dark:bg-[#101828] dark:text-white">This is a tooltip</Tooltip.Content></Tooltip.Root>);}
Install the component from your command line.
npm install @lora-ui/checkbox
API Reference
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
defaultOpen | Boolean | false | Initial open state if it is uncontrolled |
open | Boolean | false | Open state if it is controlled |
onOpenChange | Function | () => {} | Function for changing open state if it is controlled |
offset | Number | 10 | Offset between Trigger and Content |
placement | "bottom" | "top" | "bottom" | "right" | "left" | Initial placement for Content |
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
disabled | Boolean | false |
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
arrow | Boolean | true | Show arrow if it is set to true |
arrowClassName | String |
Command | Description |
Tab | Move focus to the next focusable element |
Shift+Tab | Move focus to the previous focusable element |
All relevant ARIA attributes are automatically managed.