The toast component is used to give feedback to users after an action has taken place.
"use client";import React from "react";import * as Toast from "@lora-ui/toast";import * as Portal from "@lora-ui/portal";import * as Button from "@lora-ui/button";import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";export default function Base() {const defaultButtonRef = React.useRef(null);function openDefaultToast() {Toast.createToast({duration: 3000,id: uuid(),template: (<Toast.ItemcloseButton={<button aria-label="close"><svgwidth="15"height="15"viewBox="0 0 15 15"fill="none"xmlns=""><pathd="M11.7816 4.03157C12.0062 3.80702 12.0062 3.44295 11.7816 3.2184C11.5571 2.99385 11.193 2.99385 10.9685 3.2184L7.50005 6.68682L4.03164 3.2184C3.80708 2.99385 3.44301 2.99385 3.21846 3.2184C2.99391 3.44295 2.99391 3.80702 3.21846 4.03157L6.68688 7.49999L3.21846 10.9684C2.99391 11.193 2.99391 11.557 3.21846 11.7816C3.44301 12.0061 3.80708 12.0061 4.03164 11.7816L7.50005 8.31316L10.9685 11.7816C11.193 12.0061 11.5571 12.0061 11.7816 11.7816C12.0062 11.557 12.0062 11.193 11.7816 10.9684L8.31322 7.49999L11.7816 4.03157Z"fill="currentColor"fillRule="evenodd"clipRule="evenodd"/></svg></button>}className="flex items-start justify-between space-x-4 rounded-xl border border-[#eaecf0] bg-[#ffffff] p-4 dark:border-[#1f242f] dark:bg-[#0c111d]"><div className="h-10 w-10 rounded-full bg-[#7f56d9] dark:bg-[#7f56d9]" /><span className="ml-2 mr-2 flex-1 items-center"><p className="text-sm font-semibold text-[#101828] dark:text-[#f5f5f6]">Default<span className="ml-2 text-sm font-normal text-[#667085] dark:text-[#94969c]">2 mins ago</span></p><p className="mt-1 line-clamp-2 text-sm font-normal text-[#344054] dark:text-[#cecfd2]">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquidpariatur, ipsum dolor.</p></span></Toast.Item>),});}return (<div className="flex items-center justify-center gap-4"><buttononClick={openDefaultToast}ref={defaultButtonRef}className="box-border flex items-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg border border-[#7f56d9] bg-[#7f56d9] px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-[#ffffff] outline-offset-4 hover:bg-[#6941c6] dark:border-[#9e77ed] dark:bg-[#7f56d9] dark:text-[#f5f5f6] dark:hover:bg-[#9e77ed]"><span>Open default toast</span></button><Portal.Root><Toast.ListtriggerRef={defaultButtonRef}className="fixed bottom-0 right-0 flex w-[300px] flex-col-reverse gap-y-4 rounded"/></Portal.Root></div>);}
Install the component from your command line.
npm install @lora-ui/toast
API Reference
Toasts mounting point
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
closeButton | React.ReactNode |
Helper function to create toast
Prop | Type | Default | Explanation |
duration | Number | toast delay time | |
template | React.ReactElement | Toast.Item |
Command | Description |
Tab |
Shift+Tab |
All relevant ARIA attributes are automatically managed.